

Leonard Vincent Simon Pahlke

Software topics at BWI | Cloud Native and Open Source Community Leader

Hi there! I'm a software engineer with a focus on cloud native, open source, ethical software, emerging software tech and software security. I like the complexity of software and cloud systems. I am contributing to the CNCF and Kubernetes community since 2021, currently as Chair for the CNCF TAG Environmental Sustainability and CNCF Ambassador. I served as Emeritus Advisor for the v1.28 Kubernetes release and led the Kubernetes release team for v1.26 with around 40 team members. From time to time I organize cloud native meetups in Hamburg and globally. The cloud native sustainability week 2023 featured over 22 meetungs we organized (link). I am working for the BWI on different software topics.

Die Nordsee: Fragen von Heinrich Heine

Am Meer, am wüsten, nächtlichen Meer

Steht ein Jüngling-Mann,

Die Brust voll Wehmut, das Haupt voll Zweifel,

Und mit düstern Lippen fragt er die Wogen [...]

Es murmeln die Wogen ihr ew’ges Gemurmel,

Es wehet der Wind, es fliehen die Wolken,

Es blinken die Sterne, gleichgültig und kalt,

Und ein Narr wartet auf Antwort.